‘Is this really you?’ collection ’23

This series follows a deep and personal journey of self-discovery and trauma cleaning, fuelled by a desire to find strength, balance and peace within myself.

My entire painting journey so far has been about re-connecting with myself, finding purpose and joy in my life. This series captures the deepest dive into my thoughts and feelings yet. The journey was a whirlwind of emotions ranging from pain, grief and fear to bliss, extasy and joy. Each painting tells a different part of the story. Hopefully, you will find some inspiration or reassurance on your journey towards joy.

‘It is always right where you are’
90 x 130 cm
acrylic and charcoal on canvas

If I were to describe this painting with one word, it would be ‘Serenity’. Being in complete peace within yourself. That moment when everything stops, and you just exist, not a worry in sight. Can you see the light pulling you in?

‘Yes, but can you feel the breeze on your skin?’
90 x 130 cm
acrylic, oil stick and charcoal on canvas

When you’re busy thinking, you cannot be present in the moment and life passes you by. Take a moment. Look around. Are you alive in this moment, or stuck in your thoughts, hoping you’ll find joy in the future? Find a way to pause and enjoy life right here, right now, because this moment is all you have. Can you feel the breeze on your skin?

‘I know it hurts, but let go anyway’
90 x 130 cm
acrylic and charcoal on canvas

I love this piece. Throughout the process of self-discovery, I became somewhat addicted to getting rid of stuff I have no use for anymore. It’s painful at first, because you feel like you’re losing your identity. Be resolute. You will realise soon, that you’re not losing you, you’re losing everything that isn’t you.

‘It will only hurt for a while’
90 x 130 cm
acrylic, oil stick and charcoal on canvas

Turbulent and a little dark, but not without hope. The journey of self-discovery isn’t without pain. Quite the opposite actually—you cannot make peace with yourself without facing all of your demons. Everything unresolved comes to light and you must live through it one last time. But hang in there, it will only hurt for a while.

‘I’m not sure, I think I want to’
100 x 140 cm
acrylic, oil stick and charcoal on canvas

This painting shows a struggle between what is and what I desire to be. Being pulled several ways at the same time, unsure if I’m ready to take the leap. Such is life. It’s ok not to be sure sometimes. Take your time, sit with your feelings. Once you’re ready, you will see the right path clearly.

‘Sit with me for a while’
120 x 80 cm
acrylic, oil stick and charcoal on canvas

Can you? Just be alone with yourself? Or are you always seeking some form of distraction – other people, a TV show, social media, or another drug? Take time to be alone, no distractions, just you. Your breath and your thoughts. What’s the worst that could happen? You never know – you might find yourself in the process.

‘Find me on the other side of fear’
120 x 80 cm
acrylic, oil stick and charcoal on canvas

Change is scary. And changing yourself requires the greatest courage and determination. But the reward is so worth it. Never stop fighting for what’s right, especially when it comes to being true to yourself.

‘This is where I leave you’
80 x 140 cm (2x 80 x 70 cm)
acrylic, oil stick and charcoal on canvas

When one becomes two, you become free. Hear the inner voice telling you that you’re not good enough? That you don’t deserve good things? That you should be scared? When you listen to that voice, who is listening?

Our ego is a powerful tool, but a dangerous hand. Don’t allow it to drive your life. It will put on a fight when you try to break free. But once you realise who you are, you become unstoppable.

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